PRESS RELEASE: Creating a high-quality waterway network requires a predictable EU budget

The EBU, ESO, INE, European IWT Platform and EFIP call on policymakers to secure a robust, long-term EU budget to modernise inland waterway infrastructure. The sector stresses the need to address bottlenecks, enhance cross-border connectivity, and ensure resilience, essential for Europe’s competitiveness, sustainability, and climate goals. 

‘This calls for proactive action to address the current shortcomings and to prepare the network for the future. With small investments effective results can be realised, so we can remain a reliable partner to our clients. Inland waterway carriers are dependent on future-proof and resilient waterways in Europe’

EBU’s President Matthieu Blanc

Discover the initiativePress Release

More EU budget for transport | The best investment plan for Europe

43 European transport organisations are advocating for increased EU budget allocation towards clean transport. The transport sector is of strategic importance in responding to Europe’s environmental, geostrategic and capacity challenges. Only with a strong transport sector at its core will Europe be able to reach its climate and resilience goals and safeguard its supply chain sovereignty. 

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EBU Releases its Annual Report 2023/2024

Explore the EBU 2023/2024 Annual Report and discover how the IWT sector is a key player in the multimodal transport network and a facilitator of mobility throughout Europe.

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Inland Waterway Transport & Ports Agenda 2024 Onwards

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