EBU Event “Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) key to deliver the Green Deal” (postponed due to the Coronavirus)

EBU Event “Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) key to deliver the Green Deal” (postponed due to the Coronavirus)

EBU decided to postpone its event due to the Coronavirus.

EBU welcomes the release of the Green Deal of the European Commission which aims to reduce transport emissions by shifting 75 % of the freight carried by road today to inland waterway transport (IWT) and rail. IWT disposes over free capacities on the European network of waterways and already today has very low CO2 emissions compared to road. It thus substantially can contribute to realise the Green Deal.


  • 15.00 Registration and coffee/tea
  • 15.30 Opening by EBU’s President Paul Goris
  • 15.40 Key note speeches by
    • Adina VĂLEAN, Commissioner for Transport, European Commission
    • Duška KUNŠTEK, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Republic of Croatia
  • 16.15 PANEL “IWT key to deliver the Green Deal”
    chaired by Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General EBU

    • Henrik HOLOLEI,
      Director General European Commission DG MOVE
      Coordinator of the TEN-T corridor Rhine Alpine
    • Friedrich LEHR,
      President of the European Federation of Inland Ports and Managing Director of Port of Vienna
    • Paul GORIS,
      President EBU
  • 17.30 Summary and closure

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